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Take The Confusion Out Of Linked Benefits

Traditional Life Insurance just provides a death benefit, and Long-Term Care insurance only pays for qualifying expenses.

Traditional Life Insurance just provides a death benefit, and Long-Term Care insurance only pays for qualifying expenses.


Linked Benefits Easily Explaind


Linked Benefit policies have a death benefit, maintains a cash value and can provide income tax-free payments for qualified long-term care related expenses.

individualized Plan

I design Linked-Benefit plans to provide my clients with the flexibility they need to plan for potential long-term care expenses according to their individualized care needs. 

Clients are offered a level of comfort knowing that they’ll recover at least the cost of their premium in one of the following ways:
• Long Term Care benefits
• A death benefit
• A combination of LTC benefits and death benefit
• Return of premiums

Choice of service

Clients are eligible to receive the following services:
• Home health care
• Assisted living
• Nursing home care
• Adult day care
• Informal care — they can pay a non-licensed family member or friend to care for them
• State certified, alternative-style long-term care services
• State-certified long-term care coverage options developed in the future
• Hospice

Clients pay for the long-term care services that fit their needs, based on the plan of care provided by their licensed health care practitioner.